Religious self-declaration and the attitudes of the youth towards pornography

How to Cite

Dworakowska, J. (2018). Religious self-declaration and the attitudes of the youth towards pornography. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 35(3), 265-276. Retrieved from


Pornography belongs to those phenomena which have not been clearly defined in the literature. The ambiguity of this phenomenon, promoted in contemporary socio-cultural reality and its normalization means that it can be interpreted and evaluated in many different ways. The approach showing how pornography influences the development and functioning of the youth in various educational environments is missing from available studies and analyses.

The present article is aimed to present the results of the author’s own research on the dependence of religious self-declaration and the attitudes of young people towards pornography. The present article is meant to be an introduction to discussions and in-depth research in this area. The research concerns a group of 127 students; in order to collect empirical data, a questionnaire prepared by the author was used. By carrying out analyses, an attempt was made to find an answer to the question whether religious self-declaration diversifies attitudes of the youth towards pornography in the cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspect.



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