Bible bases of sobriety
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How to Cite

Salij, jacek. (2017). Bible bases of sobriety. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 31(3), 61-79. Retrieved from


You can look for the basic for the mentality of biblical science about sobriety and drunkenness first of all by the prophets and the wisdom texts of the Scriptures. All statements of the biblical prophet and sages on this subject are formulated in the context of faith in God the Creator, who gives the existence of all that is. We also received wine from God. In the whole Bible, we can not even find any doubt that wine was a bad thing, If there are many misfortunes and crimes because of it. On the contrary, the authors of the Bible have repeatedly testified that wine is a gift from God, which we should use wisely, but God has the right to expect from us that we will not be misled by His gift. The transformation of water into wine in Cana of Galilee becomes the prelude to another wedding, which is the purpose and meaning of all human history and the proclamation of the eschatological feast as the image of eternal life. However, the wine, a very precious gift of God can deprive man of the meaning of life and become an enemy destroying man,  when a person uses it in an indisputable manner and gets drunk.

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Pisma Starochrześcijańskich Pisarzy, t. 37.

Św. Augustyn (1986). Objaśnienie Psalmu 22,5; w: tenże, Objaśnienia Psalmów 1-36, tłum. Jan Sulowski, Warszawa.

Św. Cyprian (1969). Listy, tłum. Władysław Szołdrski, Warszawa.

Św. Jan Złotousty (1947). Homilia na słowa: „Wina po trosze używaj”, 4n; w: tenże, Dwadzieścia homilij i mów, tłum. Tadeusz Sinko, Kraków.

Tomasz z Akwinu, Suma Teologiczna, 2-2 q. 149 a.1 ad 1.

Tomasz z Akwinu, Suma Teologiczna, 2-2 q. 150 a.1; De malo, q. 15 a. 2 ad 9.

Wygralak P. (2011)., Vinum laetificat cor hominis (Ps 104, 15): Ojcowie Kościoła o spożywaniu wina i związanych z tym problemach, Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne 25, s. 141-158.


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