Emotional functioning and transgressive motive use of alcohol among students
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Ślaski, S. (2017). Emotional functioning and transgressive motive use of alcohol among students. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 31(3), 87-100. Retrieved from https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/559


The aim of the study was to examine the functioning of emotional people who use alcohol as transgressive way. 138 patients, 49% women (study group N = 69, control group N = 69) were examined. The following tests were used in the study: emotional intelligence - by Jaworowska et al (2005), anxiety as a traits and state - Wrześniewski et al. (2011), the motive transgressive use of alcohol - Graziano et al. (2012). The results largely confirm the hypotheses that low levels of emotional intelligence and high level anxiety coexists with motive transgressive use of alcohol.

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