Philosophy of life, system of values and value orientation among abstinents and alcohol abusers
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Trzęsowska-Greszta, E., Domanowska, G., Trębicka, P., & Dylewska, A. (2017). Philosophy of life, system of values and value orientation among abstinents and alcohol abusers . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 31(3), 101-131. Retrieved from


The main purpose of this article is to investigate correlation, between area of values and maintaining the abstinence from alcohol as well as alcohol abuse. There were presented different theories of values: Milton Rokeach theory, Eduard Spranger theory, Charles Morris theory and Allport and Vernon theory. Authors of this article described biological, social, psychological and spiritual mechanisms of alcohol addiction as well as they overviewed the research concerning relation between system of values and alcohol abuse. Authors' own research was conducted among young men, students of 4th and 5th year of University of Technology. Based on screening tests followed by questionnaire study, two samples were identified: 35 alcohol abusers (DSM-V addicts) and 35 abstinents. Following measures were used: Morris's Paths of Life, The Rokeach Value Survey and Allport, Vernon and Lindzey's Study of Value. In terms of the philosophy of life, the students who are abstainers have valued promethean values (way IX) and the buddhist values (way III) more than alcohol abusers, while students abusing alcohol have valued dionysian values (ways IV and VIII) the most. The analysis of the value hierarchy showed alcohol abusers rated terminal values of "Pleasure", "A comfortable life", "An exciting life" (values associated with immediate gratification) and "Happiness" higher than abstinents. On the other hand, abstainers rated "National security", "A world at peace", "Equality" and "Family security" higher than those who drink excessively, Alcohol abusers rated "Intellect" and "Independence", among instrumental values, higher than non-drinkers. Abstinents rated “Helpfulness” and "Forgiveness" (values associated with religious morality) the most. In terms of value orientation alcohol abusers in comparison to abstainers, were more attentive to the artistic and political types. In compliance with the presented hypotheses, it has been shown that (1) abstainers prefer ethical, prosocial, altruistic values, targeted at the welfare of the others (2) alcohol abusers prefer hedonistic and egocentric values. There were noted the practical implications of research concerning the development of attitudes favoring sobriety, through the development of altruistic values, over-personal values (which are transcending oneself ego), growth of the tendency to submit common good and social goals over personal good and own goals as well as the formation the ability of delayed gratification.

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