The role of communication in building relationships between adolescents and parents
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Musiał, D. (2019). The role of communication in building relationships between adolescents and parents. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 38(2), 17-49.


Adolescence is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood. Its specific feature is growing into a society that manifests itself in the formation of identity, the creation of its own individual hierarchy of values, goals and the project of life. Crystallization of life plans assumes defining social roles, while solving ethical dilemmas involves observing the environment in terms of ideals and moral values. All this allows adolescents to experience many problems, and the processes of cognitive and emotional development may intensify them. In order for this developmental period to be satisfactory and full of developmental achievements for a young person, much depends on the quality of psychological contact between adolescents and parents, which is expressed in interpersonal communication. The role of this communication is not to tell information, but to express feelings, to name needs, to communicate expectations, to reveal experiences. This type of communication promotes the moral development of adolescents and the free formation of identity. The article contains the characteristics of youth development in the period of early and late adolescence with particular emphasis on the characteristics of interpersonal relations and practical guidelines for building relations between parents and adolescents based on communication.
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