La joie de l’amour

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Mzurkiewicz, P. (2017). La joie de l’amour. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 7-23. Retrieved from


In two articles devoted to the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, practical problems related to the pastoral care of families are undertaken. The author points out that there are two different strategies for coping with current pastoral problems. The merchant strategy is focused on solving conflicts through negotiations and compromises. Knight's strategy involves willingness to sacrifice for the cause, up to the sacrifice of life.

The firsts, therefore, strive to work out minimum moral standards, the second, to show the beauty of Christian calling and to encourage people to strive for holiness in every context of their life. Both attitudes can be found in the post-synodal debate on the possibility of realizing the gospel's demands for human love, marriage and family, especially in the case of people in the so-called irregular compounds. The author discusses the role of individual conscience, pastoral work with fiancés, care of young marriages, marriages in crisis, the issue of access to the Holy Communion in the case of people divorced living in civil unions and the topic of seminarians’ formation. The main emphasis is placed on the attempt to reconcile fidelity to Jesus and the Catholic tradition with a concern to preserve the unity of the Church.



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