Communication context of parental attitudes in perception of nonconformists and conformists
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parental attitude

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Bernacka, R. E., & Pufal-Struzik, I. (2019). Communication context of parental attitudes in perception of nonconformists and conformists. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 38(2), 85-104.


The article deals with the perception of parental attitudes of non-conformist and conformist people in the context of parents 'and children's communication, in which the emotional-motivational component of parents' attitudes is especially expressed. The results of 440 people were analyzed. The studies used the The Questionnaire of Creative Behaviour KANH-III, the The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) 40 and the Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire. The analysis of the research results allows us to formulate the conclusion that conformists perceive the father as a loving person, apparent nonconformist see the mother as (not) demanding and rejecting, while the chance of apparent nonconformism is decreasing if the mother is demanding. These attitudes are reflected in the communication of parents with their children. The results of the research can be inspiring theoretically and useful for educational, prophylactic or therapeutic activities.
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