Modlitwy o zdrowie - nadużycie czy wiara? Refleksja pastoralna
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How to Cite

Wiecki, A. (2017). Modlitwy o zdrowie - nadużycie czy wiara? Refleksja pastoralna. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 258-262. Retrieved from


The article deals with the aspect of prayers for healing, basing on the Instruction by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (2000). In the first chapter, it is claimed how the notion of healing is to be understood referring to the Holy Writ. In the Old Testament, illness was perceived as punishment of sins or a test of faith.  However, the New Testament shows healing as a proof for the Messianic Times coming. Jesus provides a new meaning of suffering – salvific dimension. The second chapter provides a definition of the abovementioned prayer for healing, and how it is ought to function considering its discipline rules.


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