Porządkująco-uzdrawiający charakter ascezy człowieka w ujęciu Edyty Stein
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Kożuchowska, E. (2017). Porządkująco-uzdrawiający charakter ascezy człowieka w ujęciu Edyty Stein. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 263-273. Retrieved from https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/632


Edith Stein’s idea of asceticism was based on a spatial concept of the structure of the human spirit. She used a parallel where the human spirit is like a spiritual fortress where the central place is occupied by God. The most important is the movement of the Self, which can take place on different levels of the spirit. The natural direction of the activity of the Self is to confront the outside world and take action in it. Moreover, the human nature is hurt and corrupted by the original sin. On account of that, the body fights against the spirit, and the human mind is dimmed. Edith Stein points out that the way to the centre of the soul is a way that leads to perfection and holiness. That is also the way of asceticism. Out of one’s love for God one takes up self-denial and cooperates with God’s grace, thereby entering the active dark night of the senses. The next step is the passive dark night of the senses. The benefits of that purification are countless because it opens up the way for a more spiritual life. The condition of the human being is compared to resurrection.

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