Wybrane aspekty zdrowia psychicznego uczniów zdolnych
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Pufal-Struzi, I. (2017). Wybrane aspekty zdrowia psychicznego uczniów zdolnych. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 154-164. Retrieved from https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/637


The article addresses the problem of mental health of gifted people, in particular concerning their emotional and social functioning. The literature review shows that it is not possible to conclusively determine whether talented people (children and adolescents) function, in these spheres of psyche, better or worse than their average peers. The researchers from the first approach claim that better functioning of gifted people is conditioned by: greater knowledge of themselves, higher mental immunity, effectiveness in dealing with conflicts, stress, difficulties and developmental asynchrony. The representatives of the opposite approach point to the presence of various adaptation problems (loneliness and feeling of being isolated, depression, suicidal thoughts, food disorders, psychosomatic disorders), which are identified in the personality of the talented pupils (strong emotionality, sensitivity, tendency to experience emotional stress, neurotic perfectionism, introversion, susceptibility to existential depression, idealistic attitude to the world, tendency to feel guilty and experiencing moral dilemmas), and in parenting, and family and school atmosphere. Finally, the paper presents some proposals for actions aimed at emotional support for the gifted pupils and, to care of their health, for prophylactic actions.


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