Rodzaje doświadczanych emocji a życie seksualne mężczyzn po przebytym zawale mięśnia sercowego
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Gromek, M., & Jastrzębski, J. (2017). Rodzaje doświadczanych emocji a życie seksualne mężczyzn po przebytym zawale mięśnia sercowego. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 361-381. Retrieved from


The aim of the study was: (1) the assessment of the level of the quality of sexual life in men after myocardial infarction in comparison to healthy men and (2) the association between quality of sexual life and emotional status in men after myocardial infarction. Methods: We have compared two groups of men : the study group (n=30) and the controls ( n=30). The emotional status was measured by polish version of Differential Emotions Scale DES-IV and for the assessment of the quality of sexual life the polish adaptation of Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire MSQ by Williama E. Snella Jr., Terri D. Fisher i Andrew S. Waltersa were used. Results: There were significant differences in quality of sexual life in men after myocardial infarction in comparicon to healthy men. Firstly, the measure of sexual esteem was significantky lower in men after myocardial infarction, they reported lower level of sexual-consciousness, sexual-preoccupation , weakest sexual-motivation and higher level of sexual-anxiety as well as higher level of fear-of-sex. Secondly, we foumd a correlation between the quality of sexual life and emotional status. The better  quality of sexual life is associated with positive emotions (interest, joy, surprise). On the other hand there was an association between negative emotions (hostility to each other, shame, sadness, guilt) and lower level of quality of sexual life. Conclusions: The quality of sexual life is associated with the general quality of life. As the cause of low quality of sexual life of men with coronary disease are sexual dysfunctions associated with the "dulled" ability to experience different types of emotions, it should be assumed that psychotherapy, aimed at "releasing" the ability to experience a wide range of emotions (especially positive ones), may an important way to contribute to the improvement of the quality of sex life (and thus the quality of life in general) in men after myocardial infarction.


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