Procreation phase as a challenge for marriage
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Weryszko, M. (2017). Procreation phase as a challenge for marriage. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 29(1), 80-88. Retrieved from


Procreation phase is the period of learning by spouses the parental roles, reconciliation of duties, responsibility for home and family. The purpose of this article is to show how the appearance of children in the family affects marriage and its quality. Research shows that having a child doesn't directly affect the lower marital satisfaction. It undoubtedly introduces changes in the life of the spouses, putting up new requirements, which increases the likelihood of conflicts that may arise. On the other hand, many of the difficulties associated with parenthood are compensated by satisfaction from the new role and the richness of interaction with the child. Satisfaction with the marriage relationship in the time of preparation for parenthood largely depends on communication between spouses, the way they resolve conflicts, their expectations and mutual cooperation.

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