Spirituality, religiosity and satisfaction in a romantic relationship


religious communication
relationship’s satisfaction

How to Cite

Trębicka, P., & Cichocka, A. (2019). Spirituality, religiosity and satisfaction in a romantic relationship. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 38(2), 213-220. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v2i38.76


Spirituality and religion as well as body and mind are important aspects of human life. It turns out that these are values having importance for individuals as well as for interpersonal relationships. This is very complex part of marital and family life which can fulfill many adaptive functions. Spirituality and religiosity have a impact on many areas of functioning such as couple's commitment, overall satisfaction with relationship, persistence of the marriage or decision about divorce, communication and conflict soling (Mahoney et al., 2001). Joint prayer and religious communication can affect the spiritual development of each spouse and contributes to better coping with difficult situations. Moreover, issues to which attention should be paid are the functioning of relationships of persons with different religious views and the significance of the spiritual life of husbands for the functioning of marriage. This article focuses on the connections between spirituality and religiosity with satisfaction, religious communication and problem solving in romantic relationships.


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