Going beyond yourself - the meaning of tattoos within the scope of faith and culture
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How to Cite

Żukowska-Gardzińska, D. (2017). Going beyond yourself - the meaning of tattoos within the scope of faith and culture. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 30(2), 234-243. Retrieved from https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/690


Today, the tattoo is associated mainly with the criminal environment and hence the great reluctance of many societies to adopt it as a cultural phenomenon.

A tattooed body seems to have an important meaning in the context of cultural identity. A person builds his/her identity as a result of two important relations: attitude towards oneself and attitude towards other people. These relations are built and maintained in the context of practised religion, accepted values, world views and cultural conditions.


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