About the beauty of femininity. Femininity as a value in the modern world
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How to Cite

Olbrycht, K. (2016). About the beauty of femininity. Femininity as a value in the modern world. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 28(4), 6-20. Retrieved from https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/722


The author shows the beauty of femininity, which she presents as the truth about man. She sketches a brief historical overview of women issues, as the background of modern continuation of the discussion on the situation of women in the world. She brings closer some concepts and trends concerning the matters related to femininity, the place and role of women in society. She points the Christian personalism and cites the important representatives of this trend, such as Edith Stein and John Paul II. She emphasizes the specificity, potentiality, beauty and genius of women as an important value in the modern world. Her answer to a question, how to prepare a woman for the adoption and development of their femininity, is a conclusion in which she says: “It seems extremely important to educate women not to specific roles and not according to the cultural and social ideas, but to the consciousness of their own abilities as a gift allowing to take the most important tasks included in the vocation of women, allowing to take them in different places and roles"

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