The quality of communication between parents and children with varying degrees of involvement in electronic aggression
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electronic aggression
communication of parents with children
difficulties in communication

How to Cite

Bernacka, R. E., Pufal-Struzik, I., & Zieja, A. (2019). The quality of communication between parents and children with varying degrees of involvement in electronic aggression. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 38(2), 282-298.


The article analyzes the relationship between the quality of communication between parents and children with various degrees of involvement in electronic aggression (perpetrator, victim, perpetrator-victim, lack of involvement in aggression). In a study carried out on a large random sample (N = 912) of students aged 15 - 18, their participation in the acts of electronic aggression was measured with the use of the Lódź Questionnaire for Disseminating Electronic Aggression, and methods of communicating with parents were measured with the use of the AW Questionnaire. The research found that there is a relationship between the ways parents communicate with their children and the role that the children play in the acts of electronic aggression. The perpetrators of electronic aggression have the most difficulty in communicating with parents and the least - the victims. Difficulties and obstacles to communication are more often related to the child-father interaction than to the child-mother interaction. The problems revealed in the communication of parents with children (especially the perpetrators of aggression) may indicate signs of family dysfunction and create conditions for the development of aggressive behavior in children. Research limitations are also discussed in the paper.
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