Senility forgotten, or the specificity of the functioning of older people in modern society
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How to Cite

Nosek, K. (2016). Senility forgotten, or the specificity of the functioning of older people in modern society . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 26(2), 160-168. Retrieved from


Old age is one of the stages of human life, what is most important is the natural and inevitable step. It should realize that the stage of old age may look slightly different. It may be time beautiful, serene, the realization of a dream unfulfilled in his youth, rests, but it can also be a very difficult period, when meeting the basic needs of an older person poses many difficulties. In old age is changing the situation of human life and the place characteristic changes in his life. An older man in need of acceptance, support, a sense of security. Life old man brings with it new experiences, hardships and joys, because of the transition to retirement pension if a man begins a new stage of life and requires a reformulation of his vision of life.

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