Promoting the principle of alcohol abstinence in sport


sport pedagogy

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Wojcieszek, K. A. (2021). Promoting the principle of alcohol abstinence in sport. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 375-397.


A hundred years ago, the principle of alcohol abstinence was almost obvious in sport. These days, it is still observed, but its importance has weakened. At the same time, we have knowledge about the role of this principle in maintaining the training effects of athletes and in the general education of sport adepts. Certainly, this principle should be promoted, which may not be easy given the prevailing opinions on this issue. In professional sport, we note various deviations from this rule, even leading to a breakdown in the careers of individual athletes. In addition, it turns out that the fairly widespread belief in the preventive role of sports activities is not always based on research results. Sometimes, training, especially team games, aggravates the level of alcoholism in young people. This is why it is interesting to examine the opinion on the role of abstinence in the preparation of athletes in various research groups. In this case it was a group of voluntary, consistent abstainers. In general, they strongly confirm the role of abstinence in sport, but not all aspects of this acceptance are knowledge-based. Some have an ideological character. Based on these results, we are able to develop and recommend an optimal way of communicating the principle of abstinence in sport, by means of which the stereotypes in this area can be avoided.


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