Religious struggle and a feeling of loneliness in the group of wards in stationary and home hospices
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spiritual struggle
feeling of loneliness
stationary hospices
home hospices

How to Cite

Śliwak, J., Brzeziński, M., & Zarosińska, D. (2019). Religious struggle and a feeling of loneliness in the group of wards in stationary and home hospices. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 38(2), 365-394.


This paper presents the subject of spiritual struggle and the feeling of loneliness in the group of wards in stationary and home hospices. In the research there was used Religious Comfort and Strain Scale by A.M. Yali, J.J. Exline, B. Wood, E.L. Worthingthon, Jr. (RC-SS in the experimental version by B. Zarzycka) and Rasch-Type Loneliness Scale by J. de Jon-Gierveld and F. Kamphuis (S-Rascha, version adapted by J. Rembowski). In order to conduce comparative analyses from the group of 40 examined people smaller groups were extracted, based on gender (20 women and 20 men) or a form of palliative care (20 wards of stationary hospices and the same for home hospices). Presented results confirm the hypothesis 1 (H1: There are correlations between the experienced feeling of loneliness and the spiritual struggle of hospice wards). Hypothesis 2 and hypothesis 3 has been also confirmed. Hypothesis 4 and hypothesis 5 has been confirmed as well.
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