The role of family communication in shaping the quality of adult sibling interpersonal relationships and the opinions about the social world


family communication
interpersonal relationship
opinions about the social world

How to Cite

Walęcka-Matyja, K. K. (2021). The role of family communication in shaping the quality of adult sibling interpersonal relationships and the opinions about the social world . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 46(2), 77-117.


The aim of the study was to determine the relationships between the dimensions of the quality of the interpersonal relationship of siblings in early adulthood and opinions about the social world, and to check whether there are relational predictors of these opinions.

The participants of the study were 180 people (including 48.9% women) who were in early adulthood (M = 24.73; SD = 4.54), who came from complete families with adult siblings.

The following research tools were used: the Adult Relationship Questionnaire (Walęcka-Matyja, 2014), the STQ-Now Questionnaire (Szymańska, 2016), the Social Opinion Questionnaire (Różycka, Wojciszke 2010) and a questionnaire.

The obtained results indicate the existence of numerous, although mostly weak and moderate, relationships in the expected directions between all dimensions of the interpersonal relationship of siblings (except for Competition) and opinions about the social world. Relational predictors of beliefs about the social world were also determined. It was found that sibling relationships in which there is high conflict, intense competition and indifference negatively affect the experience of satisfaction with social exchange, the level of self-esteem and trust in interpersonal contacts. Additionally, the negative aspects of the relationship of adult siblings (Conflict, Indifference) foster the belief that the world is a game in which you have to be ready to constantly fight with others. In turn, friendly relations between siblings (Warmth, Mutuality) and those with an element of struggle for power in the relationship (Domination) contributed to an increase in the level of self-esteem.


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