Loneliness, Solitude and Isolation in the Family as Conceptualised by Jesper Juul


isolation in the family
Jesper Juul
loneliness and solitude in the family

How to Cite

Rojewska, E. (2021). Loneliness, Solitude and Isolation in the Family as Conceptualised by Jesper Juul. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 309-323. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v47i3.802


This article presents an analysis of the theory of relations and upbringing in the family as conceived by Jesper-Juul, whereby the focal point of the study rests on solitude, loneliness and isolation. The research was conducted using an analytical-synthetic method elaborated on the basis of the works of this pedagogue and therapist.

The obtained results indicate an ontological dimension of loneliness in the family, and the need for its prior experience to guarantee one’s capacity to forge satisfying future relationships. The analysis of Juul's work leads to the conclusion that solitude and loneliness experienced in the family promote emotional growth of partners and that of the child. The work further focuses on destructive loneliness, i.e. isolation. The predominant conclusion drawn therefrom is that solitude and loneliness in the family carry a relationship-building potential. In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, undertaking an in-depth analysis of this problem is particularly justified.



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