On the taming the space of dialogue by deaf people during the COVID-19 pandemic


deaf person
dialogue space

How to Cite

Plutecka, K. (2021). On the taming the space of dialogue by deaf people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 609-619. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v47i3.814


The article is empirical. The aim of the research was to diagnose the specificity of subjective experiences related to the impact of a pandemic situation on the shaping of the dialogical space. The focus was on the following problem: how do deaf people perceive their experiences of creating a space where authentic dialogue takes place? The research used the method of individual cases. The analysis of empirical material obtained on the basis of a narrative interview with deaf students allowed us to learn about their experiences and personal experiences related to the creation of a space in which dialogue takes place in a pandemic situation. Qualitative analysis showed three areas discussed by the respondents, these were reflections on: dialogue as a form of communication, the subject of dialogue and the value of dialogue. The collected narratives revealed emotional experiences that influenced the interpretation of events by deaf students.




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