Martial burnout in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder: the role of marital communication and sociodemographic factors


child with autism spectrum disorder
marital burnout

How to Cite

Kaleta, K., & Błońska, S. (2021). Martial burnout in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder: the role of marital communication and sociodemographic factors. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 442-461.


Raising a child with special needs poses a challenge for their parents, not only as caregivers but also as spouses. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationships between communication behaviors, both mothers’ own and their partners’, and the level of marital burnout in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The moderating role of selected sociodemographic factors, such as duration of marriage, number of children, age of a child with the disorder, professional activity of mothers, and perceived parents’ contribution to caring for a child with autism spectrum disorder was also tested. The Marital Communication Questionnaire, the Marital Burnout scale and a sociodemographic survey were used in the study. The sample was composed of 100 women, married mothers of a child with ASD. The results showed an inverse relationship between own and partner’s supportive and engaged communication behaviors, and the feeling of marital burnout. At the same time, there was a positive relationship between depreciation in their own and partner’s communication and female burnout. These relationships were not moderated by any of the sociodemographic variables.


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