Crossing the threshold. Emerging adulthood as an elaborate liminal phase of the rite of passage


emerging adulthood
the rite of passage
liminal phase

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Lipska, A., & Zagórska, W. (2021). Crossing the threshold. Emerging adulthood as an elaborate liminal phase of the rite of passage. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 46(2), 7-26.



The article contains a comparison of emerging adulthood (EA) to the rite of passage by van Gennep and Turner. The authors argue that EA is a far and residual equivalent of the liminal phase of the rite of passage, in its extended form. At first, they present the concept of the rite of passage, the idea of liminality, the phenomenon of extending the psychosocial moratorium and some aspects of the concept of emerging adulthood. Further they analyse the similarities and differences between the liminal phase and EA. They conclude that EA is a liminal period, but such that, on the one hand, is elaborated and extended in time, and on the other hand – degraded in its symbolism and significance (nonsanctified). The EA is associated with the specificity of western culture, such as degradation and disappearance of rites of passage in their traditional forms, orientation towards consumption and hedonism. It seems to have its source in the psychic qualities of young people, among other things, in their lack of readiness to take up the responsibility for others. Finally, the authors state that the results of a lack in initiation are thus beginning to make themselves particularly keenly felt in today’s world.


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