Communication of partners in intercultural marriages


intercultural communication
cultural differences
marital satisfaction

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Janicka, I., & Wnuk, A. (2021). Communication of partners in intercultural marriages. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 46(2), 142-172.


The main goal of this article is to establish a structure of the knowledge of communication inside of intercultural marriages. For that, two main goals will be pursued. The first one is about the organization of basic knowledge about mixed marriages. This basic knowledge is subdivided into the exogamy, which leads to the focus on problematic fields, for they are common in mentioned marriages. The fields are dependent on factors such as religiosity/religion and the relation towards the family of origin. The second goal is the highlighting of a process, that clarifies the choice of languages inside these partnerships, which in the following is going to underline the impact and influence of each partner’s culture towards the act of communication. The authors are going to apply basic theorems (mainly Hofstede) of intercultural psychology. Communication, hereby, will be spotlighted in the context of marital satisfaction.


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