Does emotional intelligence really ensure a happy life? The mediation role of emotional competencies


abilities to recognize facial emotions
emotion understanding abilities
emotional intelligence
emotional competencies
physical and mental state

How to Cite

Martowska, K. (2021). Does emotional intelligence really ensure a happy life? The mediation role of emotional competencies. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 187-205.


The study was focused on relations between the abilities to recognize facial emotions, emotion understanding abilities, emotional competencies and well-being. It was expected that the relation between emotional intelligence and well-being is mediated by emotional competencies. Statistical software IBM SPSS AMOS 21 was used to test mediation models involving emotional abilities as the independent variable, emotional competencies as the mediator variable, and well-being as the dependent variable. The participants were 144 students aged between 18 and 32 (M = 20.59; SD = 1.82). Two tests were used to measure emotional intelligence: Emotional Intelligence ScaleFaces (EIS-F, in Polish: Skala inteligencji emocjonalnej – twarze, SIE-T) by Anna Matczak, Joanna Piekarska and Elżbieta Studniarek, and Emotion Understanding Test (EUT, in Polish: Test rozumienia emocji, TRE) by Anna Matczak and Joanna Piekarska. Emotional competencies were estimated with a self-descriptive questionnaire PQEI (in Polish: PKIE) by Anna Matczak et al. Well-being was measured with the use of a Depression Symptom Questionnaire (DSQ, in Polish: Kwestionariusz symptomów depresyjnych, KSD) by Anna Matczak and Katarzyna Martowska. It was found that emotional competencies are the mediator of the relation between emotional intelligence and well-being. The study also shows that having high emotional potential (emotional abilities) itself does not guarantee well-being. It is acquired emotional competencies, meaning the skills of coping in different emotional situations, that may significantly contribute to improving the person's physical and mental state. At the same time, emotional intelligence is a prerequisite for the development of such competencies, although more than that is necessary. The results of the study confirm the difference between emotional abilities and emotional competencies constructs and point out the importance of emotional competencies for the person's well-being.


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