Man and procreational failures psychopedagogical aspects of men’s experiencing difficulties in procreation
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How to Cite

Miernik, B. (2019). Man and procreational failures psychopedagogical aspects of men’s experiencing difficulties in procreation. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 39(3), 94-106.


Procreational failures, which include infertility, unsuccessful prenatal diagnosis, spontaneous miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death, are difficult situations that trigger a mental crisis. Always appearing in the context of a couple – a woman and a man – each of them is experienced in a different way. In the literature dealing with the problems of difficult procreation, a lot of space is devoted to the analysis of women's experiences and ways of reacting, while there is a lack of deep reflection on the specifics of male experiences and their response to reproductive failures. a man, standing at the side of a woman in whom a miracle of conception occurs directly and possible disturbances in the course of pregnancy, has to perform specific tasks that imply a lot of emotions, experiences or needs. Effective support given to couples facing reproductive problems should start with a thorough understanding of how to experience these problems – taking into account the specificity of the female and male perspective.

Key words: procreation, difficulties, male, infertility, miscarriage, prenatal diagnosis
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