Optimization of testicular temperature for male fertility improvement
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How to Cite

Maksym, R. B., Ruta, H., Konarski, Łukasz, & Rabijewski, M. (2019). Optimization of testicular temperature for male fertility improvement. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 39(3), 107-114. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v3i39.124


The increasing number of infertile couples in modern societies have now become a pressing medical problem. It is estimated that even 8% of the male population can be affected by infertility. Many cases of impaired spermatogenesis are caused by increased scrotal and testicular temperature. Abnormal overheating can be a result of a scrotal varicocele, the manner of dressing, and everyday habits. The localization of the testicles in the scrotal sac outside the abdominal cavity, as well as the spatial structure of the blood vessels, are key to ensuring an optimal temperature, conductive to proper spermatogenesis. The temperature difference between the abdominal cavity and the testicle should be approx. 2°C. Overheating leads to apoptosis (programmed cell death) and improper cell development during spermatogenesis. Recently, many attempts have been made to cool down testicles. The preliminary results were highly encouraging, however, due to multiple technical problems, such devices have not been popularized on the market. The biological basis of fertility improvement and the technical solutions applied in such devices will ensure constant temperature optimization. Such a device has been developed in Poland and utilizes innovative electronic and technical solutions that have not been previously available. The clinical effectiveness of the device has been proven and implementation for wide usage can result in the improvement of fertility of many couples with male testicular overheating problems. 

Key words: spermatogenesis, oxidative stress, temperature, fertility

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