Multiple children in the context of an analysis of the quality of life, satisfaction and further procreative plans of women - cross-sectional study


quality of life
multiple children

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Bączek, G., Szyszka, M., & Rychlewicz, S. (2021). Multiple children in the context of an analysis of the quality of life, satisfaction and further procreative plans of women - cross-sectional study. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 60-71.


Introduction: The definition of motherhood is manifold. The responsibilities of motherhood should be considered biologically, psychologically and socially. Conscious motherhood is characterized amongst others by the responsibility of parents for procreative decisions, care for the health, development and safety of the child. In Poland, the model of a woman as mother, who dedicates her life to birthing and raising her offspring, dominates. This has a huge impact on the future functioning of the offspring as citizens of Poland.

Materials and method: Study was conducted through a diagnostic survey in a group of 365 women (284 of which are mothers of three or more children, the remaining 81 being mothers of one child). A self-developed survey containing 29 multiple choice questions with a single correct response as well as a standardized assessment tool SWLS- Life Satisfaction Scale E. Diener, R.A. Emmons, R.J. Larson, S. Griffin (adaptation: Z. Juczyński) were used as a research tool.

Results: The vast majority of respondents are satisfied with their role as mother (97.1%). Many of the women do not plan to have more children (44.1%). In the respondents' opinion, childbirth is a social privilege of a woman (p<0.05). Mothers of more than one child have definitively declared that having multiple children does not decrease the quality of life of women, is a source of life satisfaction, aids in the fulfillment of societal roles and does not impede professional development (p<0.05). A constant partner, religious beliefs and relations with other women having more than two children are important factors for respondents when deciding to expand their family (p<0.05). Women who have given birth to three or more children have greater life satisfaction as compared to mothers of a single child (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Women are happy to be mothers. Motherhood is not a factor hindering their social and private functioning. Women's procreative decisions are influenced by fixed income, formal relationships and religious beliefs. Mothers of large families have greater life satisfaction in comparison to mothers of one child who do not desire more children.


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