Correlation between Pupils’ and Teachers’ Opinions regarding the Spheres and Effects of ICT Use by Children and Teenagers (Research Report)


media pedagogy
diagnostic-correlative studies
information literacy
the use of ICT methods and tools
correlation between opinions

How to Cite

Baron-Polańczyk, E. (2021). Correlation between Pupils’ and Teachers’ Opinions regarding the Spheres and Effects of ICT Use by Children and Teenagers (Research Report). Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 48(4), 440-458.


The article presents a fragment of diagnostic-correlative research of a mixed character, identifying pupils’ information literacy in the use of ICT methods and tools in the context of new technological trends and accompanying civilisation changes. The authors aim to answer the question: What is the relationship between pupils’ opinions and teachers’ observations regarding the spheres and effects of ICT use by children and teenagers? For this purpose, the method of diagnostic survey (questionnaire and interview) and statistical methods were used. Together, 2510 pupils and 1110 teachers (in Poland) were involved. The interpretation of the strength of relationship between the co-existent variables – based on the obtained values of correlation (r) and determination (r2) coefficients – in general allows for stating that: 1) a noticeable dissonance exists between pupils’ opinions and teachers’ observations regarding the spheres and effects of ICT use by children and teenagers; 2) the identified differences (the minus/negative correlations in 6 cases) and similarities (the plus/ positive correlations in 4 cases) between pupils’ and teachers’ opinions indicate a significant “separation” between the world of children and teenagers (“Us”) and the world of teachers (“Them”); 3) in three categories, an obvious relationship (a very high level of dependence) exists between pupils’ and teachers’ observations as to the spheres and effects of ICT use by children and teenagers, namely “working with information” (r2 = 0.79; r = 0.89), “network communication” (r2 = 0.78; r = 0.88), and “preparing for classes” (r2 = 0.70; r = -0.84).


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