Specificity of the affective sphere of spouses with higher and lower levels of transgression


network theory of personality
the emotional psychon
positive affective shift

How to Cite

Dakowicz, L. (2021). Specificity of the affective sphere of spouses with higher and lower levels of transgression. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 48(4), 393-403. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v48i4.942


Within the understanding of psychotransgressionism, personality is a network of five equipollent psychons: cognitive, instrumental, motivational, emotional and personal. The strength of the individual psychons lies at the basis of the tendency to undertake transgressive actions of a pro-development nature. In the presented research, we focused on the affective sphere of spouses as a manifestation of the functioning of one of the psychons – emotional. The analysis of the results obtained confirmed the assumed hypothesis. Spouses with a higher level of transgression were characterized by a greater positive affective shift than spouses with a lower level of transgression. The emotional climate brought into mutual relations by spouses with a higher level of transgression may foster building satisfying and stable marital relationships.



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