Sexuality and moral order
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How to Cite

Kluz, M. (2019). Sexuality and moral order. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 39(3), 162-177.


Sexuality plays an important role in human life. It is a basic factor of personality, agreement with others, expressing and of experiencing human love. However it is necessary to notice that nowadays the field of human sexuality collides with some concepts and events that make it trivialized. Modern culture separates sexuality from the man's supernatural vocation, from the integral vision of the person, and basically brings it to the aspect of urges. 

In this perspective a reference of human sexuality to the world of moral values is an incredibly important task. These values are marriage, family, procreation and love. Furthermore, the most important entities which influence the attitudes in the field of human sexuality are: family, school and church.

Key words: sexuality, morality, values, man, education, family, church
pdf (Język Polski)


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