„Be fruitful and increase in number…” (Gen 1:28): In the Jewish Perspective of the God`s Benediction
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How to Cite

Marcinkowski, R. (2019). „Be fruitful and increase in number…” (Gen 1:28): In the Jewish Perspective of the God`s Benediction. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 39(3), 178-189. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v3i39.130


From the Jewish Perspective of God’s Benediction “Be fruitful and multiply...” (Gen 1:28) 

God’s first blessing which was already perceived in the ancient texts of Judaism as a commandment and a duty (mitzvah) were the words of the Torah: pru urvu – lit. ‘be fruitful and multiply...’ (Gen 1:28). On the basis of the source texts of Judaism the author first presents the above-mentioned words in their ancient context of the Written Torah, and then in the context of the Oral Torah with special reference to the Mishnah, Tosefta and both Talmuds. The source texts clearly indicate that the duty of procreation lies with a man, not a woman. The minimum necessary to fulfill this obligation is to have two children, son and daughter, according to the opinion of the House of Hillel, and according to the opinion of the House of Shammai, a minimum of two sons is necessary. The author also explains after Mishnah the problem of social hierarchy resulting from birth and he points to the impact that ancient opinions and Halachic provisions have had on the issues associated with fertility and procreation. 

Key words: Fertility, Procreation, Judaism, Rabbinic Law, Jewish Bioethics

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