Competences of academic tutors – research among participants of the project “Masters of Didactics”


academic education
adult learning
tutor competences

How to Cite

Czyżewska, M., Duda, E., Perkowska-Klejman, A., & Zawadzka, E. (2022). Competences of academic tutors – research among participants of the project “Masters of Didactics” . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 50(2), 50-61.


The research aimed to identify and then to characterise the self-assessment of the level of tutor competences of academic teachers participating in the project "Masters of Didactics" - implementation of the tutoring model. The basis for a description of tutor competences was the "European competence matrix for tutors" developed within the Certification for Mentors and Tutors (Certi.MenTu) project aimed at the certification of competences of mentors and tutors according to the European Standard EN ISO 17024. The selected tutoring competences described in this project were applied to the academic environment. Seven areas of these competences were created. These included: Communication and relationships; Working with and supporting tutees; Effective learning; Monitoring tutees' progress; Evaluation of tutoring. The research questions concerned the overall picture of tutoring competences, the developmental nature of these areas. We were also interested in socio-demographic factors that may differentiate the level of competence of tutors. The method used was a diagnostic survey, and the technique was an online survey with open and closed questions. The research was conducted among 78 lecturers from the Polish academic environment. The results indicate that academic tutors perceive themselves as adequately prepared to carry out the tutoring process, while at the same time being aware of the need for improvement, especially competences in the area of knowledge, organization, and evaluation of the tutoring programme at the university. Tutoring competences are independent of gender and academic degree of academic teachers but differentiated by academic discipline.


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