La valeur de la fecondité dans la famille antique à la lumière des textes patristiques
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Filipowicz, B. (2019). La valeur de la fecondité dans la famille antique à la lumière des textes patristiques. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 39(3).



 The article concerns a Jewish family in the antiquity know, among other, through the patristic writings, a family created by the man named Joseph, his wife Mary and the child of the masculine sex, whom they raise as their successor and heir, and whose name is Jesus. In the light of the texts of many writers of the firs centuries of Christianity, who comment on the documents of Lk 1, 26-38 and Lk 2, 22-40, it is possible to deepen the ancient knowledge of this family of Galilee, in the province of the Roman Empire during the reign of Octavian Augustus (30 BC – 14 AD; Szymański 2005, p. 128; Baslez 2017). Named “holy”, following the ancient understanding of the creative power of Logos, nevertheless this family embodies the values of the Eastern and Western family: her constitution is based on patriarchal structure, recognizing a precise place of the man and the woman having the legal status of parents who raise, in Jewish spirituality and legal culture, the child presented publicly as the natural fruit of their matrimonial union. 

Key words: Ancient laws of Near East, marriage, Saint Luke, Fathers of the Church, Logos, the history of eastern family, the patriarchal family, a woman, the status of the wife and mother, a man, the status of the husband and father, a son, the child born in the family, adoption, marital fidelity.
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