A child with disability as a value - motherhood in a noetic perspective


intellectual disability
meaning of life

How to Cite

Sipowicz, K., Podlecka , M., & Pietras, T. (2021). A child with disability as a value - motherhood in a noetic perspective. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 48(4), 496-506. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v48i4.971


The paper attempts to embed the experience of being a mother to a child with intellectual disabilities in a noetic (spiritual) perspective of human functioning. According to the noo-psychotheoretical assumptions (Popielski, 2018) constructed on the basis of Viktor Frankl’s concept of logotherapy (2009), finding and fulfilling the meaning of life is the highest human need and a kind of metamotivation. The suffering resulting from motherhood is seen as a borderline experience, in which the existential situation so far is revalued and the meaning appears to be the acceptance of an attitude of moral heroism towards the inevitable fate.



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