Jean-Paul Sartre and Louis Lavelle – Two Existential Conceptions of Humanism and their Ethical Consequences


participation in Being

How to Cite

Zuziak, W. (2021). Jean-Paul Sartre and Louis Lavelle – Two Existential Conceptions of Humanism and their Ethical Consequences. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 48(4), 91-102.


On the basis of the thesis “existence precedes the essence”, L. Lavelle and J.-P. Sartre developed two different versions of existentialism which were the foundation for creating different models of humanism based on the phenomenological approach. I attempt to show that Sartre's atheistic existentialism, which relies on the abstract conception of freedom and an erroneous project of man, is a theory which is less plausible than the existentialism of Lavelle, based on the assumption of man's participation in being. I also discuss the ethical  consequences for individual and social development that result from the assumptions of both conceptions.


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