- Each article sent to the Quarterly Journal Fides et Ratio is subject to the assessment of the Editor-in-Chief and the FeR Editorial Board for consistency with the profile of the Journal and the current topic of the issue.
- Articles are checked with the ISA anti-plagiarism system.
- After a positive opinion has been given by the Editor-in-Chief and the Quarterly’s Editorial Board, the publication is forwarded to external reviewers who are experts in a given discipline.
- The reviewers have at their disposal a ready-made form, in which they include their remarks, commentaries and evaluation of the publication, and formulate a proposal concerning the conditions of accepting or declining the article for publication (without correction, with correction but no new review required, with correction but a new review required).
- The authors and reviewers do not know their identities (“double-blind review process”).
- The reviews are forwarded to the author of the article with the request to respond to the remarks and to correct the text as recommended.
- The articles will be published if they receive two positive opinions requiring no correction; in the case of negative reviews, the publication will be declined, and the author will be informed of the reasons for this decision.