Czynniki chroniące zdrowie psychofizyczne dziecka w środowisku rodzinnym

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Ginalska, K., & Weryszko, M. (2017). Czynniki chroniące zdrowie psychofizyczne dziecka w środowisku rodzinnym. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 143-153. Pobrano z
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In the article we consider factors of family environment, which affects childrens' well-being and mental health. The first factor is related to the condition of the marital relationship and emotional maturity of parents. The second factor concerns parents' attributional style, which influences childs' attitude towards the world and itself. Then we consider the parents' attachment style, their ability to estabilish close relationship and the impact of fathers' commitment to upbringing and looking after  a child. In the article we underscore the significance of family relationship and emotional maturity of parents for childrens' well-being and mental health.



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