Perinatal hospice care in the narratives of parents and caregivers – a qualitive survey
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Różańska, M., Baranowska, B., Tataj-Puzyna, U., Bączek, G., & Kajdy, A. (2017). Perinatal hospice care in the narratives of parents and caregivers – a qualitive survey. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 454-467. Pobrano z
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Advances of medicine, progress of prenatal diagnostic techniques allows an accurate diagnosis of the unborn child.  Specialists are capable of detecting lethal defects very early in pregnancy. This poses a moral dilemma both for the physicians and parents regarding management of the pregnancy. That dilemma has become the driving force for creation of hospices for unborn children. They provide parents with an alternative for eugenic abortion and futile therapy. The aim of this paper is to present qualitative research based on seven semi-structured interviews. Perinatal hospices provide families with a diverse range of support according to the provided response analysis. Interdisciplinary teams consist od physicians, midwives, psychologists and clerics. Midwives play a crucial role in this interdisciplinary team by providing medical care and support for the whole family, that is expecting birth of a terminal child. Employees and parents involved in hospice care recognize that the current work system of these centers is optimal. Expectations on the development of perinatal hospices relate mainly to the dissemination and financing of such facilities by the State. Perinatal palliative care provides support for parents who have decided to continue their pregnancy despite the lethal defect of their unborn child. The midwife plays an important role medically, spiritually and psychologically in accompanying the entire family at all stages of the child's life, illness and death. Spiritual support and pastoral assistance are of great importance because they help parents find a deeper meaning and sense of dignity in accompanying their child during illness and death. Efforts should be made to disseminate knowledge about the existence of palliative care for children and the functioning of perinatal hospices, both among professionals dealing with prenatal diagnosis of pregnant women and the general public.

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