Adam Chmielowski: „duchowy brat” Karola Wojtyły O „Bracie naszego Boga” w kontekście dwu życiorysów – życiorysu bohatera utworu i życiorysu twórcy dzieła

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Skirgiełło, O. (2017). Adam Chmielowski: „duchowy brat” Karola Wojtyły O „Bracie naszego Boga” w kontekście dwu życiorysów – życiorysu bohatera utworu i życiorysu twórcy dzieła. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 30(2), 198-204. Pobrano z
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This article presents the analogy between two extraordinary lifes and creativity histories: the first one belongs to a Polish painter Adam Chmielowski, later called Brother Albert (1845-1916), the second one is a history of Karol Wojtyła, later known as John Paul II (1920-2005). The item contribution is based on two sources: one is the analysis of biographies both of characters and the other is “Our God’s Brother” drama (drama about the Brother Albert’s life), written by Karol Wojtyła in his early adolesence. Main similarity between both of lives are: deep social and religious commitment, preceded by the time of developing the grater artistic talents. Adam Chmielowski was a special authority to Karol Wojtyła and his life was an exemplar, which Wojtyła was constantly referring to. We might say than, that the “father of poor people”, Brother Albert, was also a “spiritual brother” of John Paul II.




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