Problem uznania istnienia obiektywizmu w ujęciu Richarda Rorty'ego, Richarda M. Hare'a i Michaela Huemera

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Papiernik, Łukasz. (2017). Problem uznania istnienia obiektywizmu w ujęciu Richarda Rorty’ego, Richarda M. Hare’a i Michaela Huemera. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 30(2), 221-233. Pobrano z
Język / Language
Słowa kluczowe


The purpose of this article is to show how philosophers such as Richard Rorty, Richard M. Hare and Michael Huemer recognize the existence of objectivity. The first of the presented philosophers, and the one who denies the concept of objectivity is Richard Rorty. The desire for objectivity is to him a form of fear that is concealed, and concerns fear of the death of the community. Richard M. Hare presents a higher level of recognition for the concept of objectivity, although his position is quite blurred. It gives the impression that it can be suspended between objectivism and subjectivism. The most important in this article was the presentation of views by Michael Huemer. It is a philosopher who fully accepts the notion of objectivity and, in the light of the tendency to negate the term, which is present, is simply distinguished. Huemer is of the opinion that morality and moral knowledge are objective and rational. Huemer's views also coincide with the position of Ryszard Monia. Professor Moń points out that it is possible to reach the truth and to refer to an objective pattern even though cognitive approaches are often subjective.




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Hare R. M.,(2001), Myślenie moralne: jego płaszczyzny, metody i istota, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
Huemer M., (2008), Ethical Intuitionism, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Pallgrave Macmillan.
Moń R., (2011), Warto czy należy, Warszawa: Wydawnictowo UKSW.
Rorty R., (1999), Obiektywność, relatywizm i prawda, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.

