Co nas nie zabije to nas wzmocni? Postrzeganie konsekwencji wychowywania się w rodzinie z problemem alkoholowym przez osoby dorosłe

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Borawski, D., Fleszar, U., & Balicka, A. (2017). Co nas nie zabije to nas wzmocni? Postrzeganie konsekwencji wychowywania się w rodzinie z problemem alkoholowym przez osoby dorosłe. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 30(2), 244-265. Pobrano z
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In the article results of two studies (n=96 and n=50) are presented, which was aim to explore a perceived impact of being raised in alcoholic family on psychosocial functioning of adults. Both studies involved people aged between 20 and 40. The results of Study 1 show that 1) Most of participants don’t view themselves as victims of parental alcoholism; 2) Basic hope understood as a fundamental belief in order and positivity of the world is negatively associated with perceived negatives outcomes of parental drinking; 3) Women report more than men self – worth  related negative outcomes of parental drinking. Study 2 demonstrates that majority of participants find at least some benefits of being raised in alcoholic family including constructive changes in self-esteem and motivation. Self – related benefits are far more frequently reported than changes in relationships with others. 



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