Jak dzieci rozumieją wartości mierzone przy pomocy obrazkowej metody PBVS-C?

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Wojcieszek, K. (2017). Jak dzieci rozumieją wartości mierzone przy pomocy obrazkowej metody PBVS-C?. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 31(3), 5-25. Pobrano z https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/554
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The circular arrangement of values is empirically supported by many studies worldwide, involving adult respondents but also children (Cieciuch, 2013; Cieciuch et al., 2010; Döring i in., 2015).  One of the most influential method to assess children’s values through self-report and taking into account children’s developmental background, is proposal of Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C) developed by Döring (Döring et al., 2010). Despite evidence on the circular structure at an early stage, there remains an open question: Do pictorial items mean for children the same as within the framework of assumptions of authors of the PBVS-C self-report method?

This study is an attempt to get closer to the answer to that question. The study involved 20 children aged 7 to 8 years. The procedure included two phases. Firstly, the PBVS-C questionnaire in the polish adaptation (Cieciuch, Harasimczuk i Döring, 2010) was used to measure children’s values. In the second phase, each child was individually interviewed. The purpose of the second phase was to discover the reasons of children’s choices of values in PBVS-C. Hypotheses about circular structure of values were tested using multidimensional scaling. Analysis presents the structure which closely corresponded with circle. Analyses of MDS results revealed that values were arranged in circular structure and the configuration could be divided into four higher-order values, based on two bipolar dimensions. In the first dimension self-transcendence opposes self–enhancement. In the other dimension, openness to change opposes conservation.

The findings show predominance of arguments belonging to categories which were consistent with the meaning of values within the theoretical model of Schwartz and collaborators (2012) and were in congruence with the operationalization in  PBVS-C. The percentage of statements assessed as consistent appeared to be 81%.



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