Typy miłości i style rozwiązywania konfliktów studentów i studentek uczestniczących w warsztatach psychologicznych

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Kuk, A., & Gala-Kwiatkowska, A. (2017). Typy miłości i style rozwiązywania konfliktów studentów i studentek uczestniczących w warsztatach psychologicznych. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 32(4), 197-207. Pobrano z https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/626
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The aim of the study was to identify types of love and styles of conflict resolution in the group of people participating in psychological workshops in 2016/2017. The research problem was related to differences in the above-mentioned variables due to gender and the correlation between love types and conflict resolution styles as well as changes in time. The workshop on communication, forgiveness and love was attended by 33 people studying at the Faculty of Physical Education at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. The first group consisted of 15 participants in master's studies, and the other 18 people, studying at the first stage of study. The diagnostic survey method was used in the study. The scale of attitudes toward love (The love attitudes scale) and the question of self-diagnosis of the style of conflict resolution were used. In subjects dominates the type of love, Eros and Agape. Women stronger than men are experiencing Mania and Agape love. In conflict situations, the respondents use the style of cooperation and compromise as a means to resolve the conflict. Women are more cooperative than men. There are correlations between the variables tested. Love does not change over time.



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