Motywy z platońskiej Obrony Sokratesa w apologii Pawłowej (1 Kor 1-4)

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Winiarczyk, D. (2017). Motywy z platońskiej Obrony Sokratesa w apologii Pawłowej (1 Kor 1-4). Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 30(2), 205-220. Pobrano z
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The article includes a comparison of Apology of Socrates with 1 Corinthians 1-4, finding motifs common to both works. Here, a similarity in the concept of deity was indicated. Attention was also drawn to the supernatural vocation of St. Paul and Socrates. Their lack of fear of death was accentuation. It is shown that both of them proposed a new system of thought, which led to a persecution for new ideas.
1 Corinthians 1-4 and Apology of Socrates became apologies of their heroes, in the answer to charges against them. Their father-fraternal relationship to the audience was unique, in comparison, to other works. Both of them pointed to the divine source of wisdom and clearly indicated the difference between divine and human wisdom. Most importantly, in both works there appears a creation a seemingly helpless figure, who, paradoxically, through the apparent lack of rhetorical skill excellently presents his ideas. This article is a good starting point for further comparative studies of New Testament with Greek classical works.



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