Rodzaj doświadczanych emocji a zachowania wiążące w romantycznych związkach u kobiet i mężczyzn w średniej dorosłości

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Jastrzębski, J., Drążdżewska, A., Nazarowicz, M., & Przybysz, N. (2016). Rodzaj doświadczanych emocji a zachowania wiążące w romantycznych związkach u kobiet i mężczyzn w średniej dorosłości. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 28(4), 90-118. Pobrano z
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The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between emotion and attachment behavior in men and women in early adulthood. Theoretical framework of this research was the Carroll E. Izard Differential-Emotions Theory and Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt typology of attachment behavior. They show that the frequency of making attachment behavior - and derive pleasure from this activity - depends on the individual and the established willingness to experience positive and negative emotions. The study involved 87 respondents (43 women and 44 men) between 20 and 30 years old. Emotions were studied using Differential Emotions Scale DES-IV developed by Carroll E. Izard adapted to Polish conditions by Jaroslaw Jastrzebski. The frequency of making attachment behavior and enjoyment of this has been studied by means of Attachment Behavior Inventory IZW developed by Alicja Kuczyńska.

The results showed that men and women in romantic relationships are very similar in terms of the frequency of making attachment behavior. They differ only in the case of sexual behavior: men more than women use sexual behavior to maintain relationships. Results of the research did not reveal the sex differences in terms of the pleasure of making attachment behavior. Confirmed hypotheses about the relationship between emotions and attachment behavior: joy turned out to be the most important emotion in taking pleasure from making attachment behaviour. Negative emotions, such as disgust, contempt, anger, shame and shyness decreased frequency of making attachment behaviour.




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