Dom rodzinny w życiu jedynaka, czyli sposób postrzegania domu rodzinnego oraz jego znaczenie dla jedynego dziecka w rodzinie

Słowa kluczowe

dom rodzinny
dominujący model rodziny
wzorce zachowań
autorytet rodzice dziadkowie

Jak cytować

Nosek, K. (2016). Dom rodzinny w życiu jedynaka, czyli sposób postrzegania domu rodzinnego oraz jego znaczenie dla jedynego dziecka w rodzinie. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 28(4), 256-265. Pobrano z
Język / Language
Słowa kluczowe


The family today is subject to a number of transformations both in terms of structure, functioning and functions of its individual members. In the twenty-first century in Poland mainly dominated by a tendency to fade multi-generational families to domination small family - two-generation. In connection with these changes the dominant family model becomes a model of the nuclear family 2 + 1, that is, the parents and the child. More and more Polish families are choosing to have only one child - an only child. For these children is crucial to the family home. The family home is seen for only children as a place of refuge, rest, reflection on life. The place where wanders plans for the future, observing the behavior patterns of the household. Each of the subjects found in the family home of the next authority in the person of their parents or grandparents, and forwarded by him moral values guided in your life. From the family home is mainly associated childhood and learning the world, acquire new skills and carefree. The house is also in the memories of the respondents usually warm lunch prepared by his mother, spending time with my family and a lot of moments that cause a smile on his lips. Even if it happened that the family home was the source of the unpleasant experience it still remains one of the most important places in the world where you can always find shelter. Home and family also play a key role in the creation of the human family of their own.




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