Rozumienie przebaczenia w dorosłości. Perspektywa narracyjno-rozwojowa

Słowa kluczowe

perspektywa przebaczenia
osoba przebaczająca
warunki przebaczenia
dojrzałość osobista
zrozumienie przebaczenia obejmuje wiele sfer
proces emocje ból konsekwencje

Jak cytować

Musiał, D., Stadolnik, V., Tęsiorowska, A., Tomaka, K., & Zając, K. (2016). Rozumienie przebaczenia w dorosłości. Perspektywa narracyjno-rozwojowa. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 26(2), 79-104. Pobrano z
Język / Language
Słowa kluczowe


Forgiveness is an important aspect of human life. The forgiveness we can speak from the perspective of the person forgiving and from the perspective wrongdoer. There are also a lot of conditions for forgiveness. His understanding depends on age, stage of development and the level of personal maturity. The problem of understanding forgiveness covers many spheres: the meaning, purpose, people, circumstances, contexts, process, emotions, pains, consequences, the role. The above aspects of forgiveness became the basis for carrying out the narrative research to understand of forgiveness in women in middle adulthood. Examined was 52 -year-old woman using a narrative interview, consisting of two phases: (1) phase of the stimulus narrative and (2) the phase of detailed questions.

The test result obtained was a kind of empirical material. His analysis concerned the understanding of forgiveness on the basis of the above-mentioned sphere. There has also been the description and interpretation of the understanding of forgiveness based on the language of the person examined: an analysis of semantic and psychological and structural analysis. The analyzes were obtained peculiar world of meaning for understanding forgiveness from a person in middle adulthood.



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