Within the process of children’s social development, developing the skill of building interpersonal relationships there is a necessity of facing conflicts. An important hypothesis in this article is the fact that in the life of both adults and children, the conflicts cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is necessary to solve them in a proper way. In case of the children, especially those originating from dysfunctional groups, who are at the same time cared for by daily support units, it is necessary to form the skill of reaching an agreement without using any physical force. It was demonstrated that some helpful tools for solving conflicts between the children are negotiations, mediation and following the principle of the so-called fair argument. Basing on the experience of working in the daily support unit, it was assumed that the most important aspect of the agreement reached between the children is reconciling, expressed in the form of apologising to one another. On the other hand, the principal aim of educational measures taken in the process of teaching the children to solve the conflicts is initiating the act of apology.
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